So, this time, we took the idea of a barcode, and made a picture out of it. Mine is a ruler. (Or, just the part of the ruler with a bunch of little lines) I think my idea is silly, but oh well. I got it done, at least. So, here's my blog:
Physical response:·:
Include a quick sketch/photo of your work. Always do ->
Explain the process of creating the art work. Literally how you did your art work. It took me a while to think of what to draw, but I sketched the cup holding the art supplies, then sketched the ruler, sissors, and pen goinf through the cup. I made a scale for the ruler, and counted frm the bottom of my fake ruler, making dots for each inch and centimeter, and then made the lines, half-way lines, and lines in between. I added the pencil behind the pen. Then I drew over the sketch with marker, and colored it with marker. Afterwards, I took one inch of the ruler, and made more lines and numbers to show the barcode. Then I sketched a line for the table, colored itin brown marker, then colored the background purple. (Purple's my favorite color)
Did you learn a skill? Uh... probably, but I can't think of any. But I think I did a good job of shading the purple for the background. :)
Emotional Response:·:
How did you feel while you were working on this assignment? I wished I had thought of a better idea, but I was mostly just content.
Did you feel you were a problem solver at any level? Nope, don't think I solved any problems...
Did you feel that it increased your observation? ...not really...
Did you further develop your ideas? Yes. It was going to just be the ruler, but I dded the cup and other supplies later.
Were you satisfied with the final results? Yea. But this one girl drew an AWESOME picture of a girl playing a cello or other strings instument, and it made me jealous that I can't draw people that well.
Self Assessment and reflection:.:
Are you able to make connections/analogy with other subjects or real life situations? Well, barcodes are real, and that was kinda the point...