Monday, 9 February 2009

Line Design Art Project

Hello... For me art class, we have to make blogs after doing a project. Our first one was 'Line Design'. So, here's my blog: (the questions were provided by my teacher)

Physical response:
· Include a quick sketch/photo of your work. That would be the pictures right there ->
· Explain the process of creating the art work. Literally how you did your art work.
We made abstact symbols that represent us, then put them together on a paper, using only black and white (on left). Then we chose a small sqare of that picture and drew that, full sized, on a piece of paper the same size as the first picture, only adding one color to it (left).
· Did you learn a skill?
Balance, Unity, Harmony, whatever else she said...
Emotional Response:
· How did you feel while you were working on this assignment?
Confused and stressed. I misunderstodd what the 'design' part of 'Design Art' meant, so the class was not what I had expacted, and I wanted to change classes. But, after working on our second project, I felt better.
· Did you feel you were a problem solver at any level?
No... ?
· Did you feel that it increased your observation?
· Did you further develop your ideas?
Yup. The final products were not very much like the original.
· Were you satisfied with the final results?
Self Assessment and reflection:
· What did you learn doing this assignment?
That 'Design Art' means making designs, not just a fancy way of saying 'Art'. Also, that paintings need balance, unity, harmony, and... at least two other things...
· Are you able to make connections/analogy with other subjects or real life situations? The big picture connections.
Not really...

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