Sunday, 17 May 2009

Color Research

This time, instead of drawing or painting something, we have to research the social, political, and religious significance of a color. The color I chose is purple, because that's my favorite color.

Religion: Purple represents sorrow and suffering.

Well, I guess that means I can't wear my purple dress to confirmation...

Heraldy (whatever that means): Signifies a high rank or royalty

Interesting... Nah, I knew that.

Months: Purples represents the month of November, apparently, while May (my birth month) is represented by lavender or lilac, which are light shades of purple.

That might be why I like purple so much...

Purple represents royalty because it was expensive and rare. So now it symbolizes power.

I wonder what it means by 'expensive'? Not understanding makes this hard to put in my own words...

In politics, purple means 'moderate'. This is because blue means liberal and red means conservative. Blue+Red=Purple, so if you're purple, you're right in the middle.

Well, I don't care much for politics, so I guess I count as 'moderate'.

references: and
Oh, and the places I got the pictures from deserve credit, too, but the only place I remember (because I forgot to save the links) is for the one with the square s of shades of purple.

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